Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lessons of the Day: Who Has HIV/AIDS & Who Gets Robbed.

Lesson 1; The first video I came across features young actress Gleendilys Inoa, who can be seen in Karina's "16 @ War" video, & other Independent Films such as "Don't Let Me Drown" & "A Kiss of Chaos". She's also featured in this important PSA/short film she did based on HIV/AIDS. Yes, I know many of you are adults/young adults, & you've gone through this in school, but it never hurts to watch again. We say we know these things but still do it anyway. Even though we've "learned", we've never really LEARNED. It takes you getting HIV/AIDS to REALLY learn. We don't want to get that far. Let's smarten up so we don't have to live life DEAD. One of the most horrible things you can do in life...
Peep the video: Class in Session. (2 parts)

Lesson 2; here's how you can EASILY get robbed. You may NEVER leave your bag/items unattended, but you can slip up that ONE time out of being courteous. Peep the video:

(Video via AssataSAYS.)

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